

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集
Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集

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Are you sure you can help?” Wukong asked the Buddha Maitreya. “Yellow Brows is powerful. He captured everyone with a magic cloth. He trapped me in a pair of cymbals.”

“I can defeat Yellow Brows,” said Maitreya.

“He used to be my student. The cloth and cymbals are precious Buddhist treasures that he stole from me.”

Wukong gulped. “Sorry, but I, um . . . destroyed the cymbals.”

Maitreya smiled. “Don’t worry about that. We must capture Yellow Brows. I’ll tell you my plan.”

Wukong stormed up to the monastery door again. “Yellow Brows!” he shouted.

“Return my friends or I’ll smash your entire mountain!”

The door flew open, and Yellow Brows stepped out. “How dare you threaten me? Do you know how powerful I am?”

“You’re not powerful,” said the monkey.

“You just think you are because you have that cloth. I bet you’re too scared to fight me without it.”

“I’m not scared of you,” said the demon.

He went back inside and came back a moment later. He was holding a heavy wooden club.

Wukong pulled out his iron bar as the demon rushed toward him. Wham! Their weapons smashed together again and again.

As he fought the demon, Wukong took small steps backward. Slowly he moved the fight away from the monastery.

Soon they were fighting in the valley at the bottom of the mountain. Wukong took another swing at Yellow Brows and then pretended to be scared.

“You are too powerful!” cried the monkey.

“I can’t fight you anymore!” He turned and ran away.

“Hey!” yelled Yellow Brows. “Get back here, coward!” The demon ran after Wukong.

The monkey ran through some woods and into a melon field.

Yellow Brows chased him. “Where are you, Wukong?” he shouted.

Then the demon noticed all the melons.

He licked his lips. “These melons look delicious,” he said to himself.

A farmer was working nearby. He had a big belly.

“Hey, farmer!” called Yellow Brows. “Give me one of your melons!”

The farmer put down his rake and smiled.

He walked over to the demon. “I’ll find a nice, ripe melon for you.”

The farmer searched the ground. Finally he held up a ripe melon. “Here you go!”

Yellow Brows lifted the melon to take a bite. Suddenly the melon shrank to the size of a berry. It leaped out of his hand and went right down his throat.


The demon fell to his knees. “Ugh! What was wrong with that melon?”

Inside the demon, Wukong punched and kicked. Boomph! Pow! Boomph! Pow!

“Aargh!” cried Yellow Brows. Then he noticed the farmer was gone. Instead, Maitreya stood over him.

Maitreya glared at the demon. “Give me my magic cloth.”

“Y-yes, Master.” Yellow Brows pulled the cloth from his robe and handed it to Maitreya.

“You may come out now, Wukong,” said Maitreya.

A tiny Wukong leaped from the demon’s nose. Maitreya threw the cloth at Yellow Brows.

It wrapped around the demon and became small. Maitreya put the bundle into a pocket.

Wukong returned to his normal size. He and Maitreya went to the monastery. Maitreya recited a spell, and the cymbals repaired themselves.

He smiled at Wukong. “Good luck!” Then he vanished.

Wukong untied his companions and the other spirits. The dragon, the turtle, and the serpent thanked the monkey and flew away.

“Thank you, Wukong,” said the Tang Monk. “I’m sorry for not believing you when you warned us about this place.”

Wukong laughed. “Maybe you’ll believe me one of these days, Master!”

The travelers went outside and continued west.
1.gulp [ɡʌlp]  v.狼吞虎咽;大口吞咽;匆匆吞下;(因害怕或惊讶而)倒吸气;深呼吸;喘大气;大口大口地吸气 n.吞饮的量;一大口;吞咽;吸入
She gulped nervously before trying to answer.
2.storm [stɔːrm]  n.暴风雨;和风暴有关的恶劣天气;(群情迸发的)浪潮 v.突袭;攻占;气呼呼地疾走;闯;冲;怒吼;大发雷霆
同源词:stir, turn
She stormed into my office waving a newspaper.
3.wooden club [ˈwʊdn klʌb] 木头球棒
People are washing clothes in Tuo river There are many people washing clothes with wooden club at riverside of Tuo river.
4.shrink [ʃrɪŋk]  v.(使)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩;(使)缩小,减少;退缩;畏缩 n.精神病学家;心理学家
The tumour had shrunk to the size of a pea.



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